Friday 16 January 2015

Term 1 - Field Trip to the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilization.

Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilization is a gold-domed building which was transformed from a traditional covered market to a museum in 2008.This was the destination of our field trip for term 1. To promote spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and to support and enrich the work we do in class, this trip was planned. We left the school premises at 8:30 in the morning and within an hour we reached the museum. The Students were not only excited but they were also eager to know about the place. The purpose of the visit was explained to the children prior to the visit and they were too enthusiastic to gather and collect as much information as they could about Islamic culture. On the venue, the students were divided in groups of two, rightly guided by the staff of SMIC.  The visit to the galleries was a dream come true experience for the students. They learnt about Islamic faith and science and also examined over 5000 exquisite artefacts and rare manuscripts from the Islamic world.
The team spirit, enthusiasm and commitment of children made the day a real pleasure to be part of. All thanks to Cinderella Netto, the Head of Key Stage for organizing such a wonderful event and for making this trip a memorable one . It was indeed a GREAT LEARNING EXPERIENCE.

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