Reading update- 11th of Nov.

Hi, Welcome to the reading club weekly update! Who says, that students are always supposed to follow instructions?
Well, in our club, we proudly welcome activity ideas from the students, encouraging them to take the lead to execute too. Vadim, shared the activity with his peers this week and not to forget we have Samaira’s activity in store, next week. Further, Vadim explained that each pairs would read a chapter from the street child and list three unknown words on the paper. They will then discuss the meaning of the words keeping in mind the context they are reading, and draw a pictorial meaning of the word to explain. Everyone one gasped with excitement, however the result was fantastic, when each pair shared the correct contextual meaning. We were impressed by the results!
The next part of today’s agenda was to practice the play script, prepared last week and then perform. Although it was the first time, some of the members confessed that it was overwhelming, but they have now gained confidence to act in front of the public and deliver their lines confidently. It was a great achievement to hear the members stating that they are very enthusiastic about reading club and can’t wait for the next one!!! 
Reading update- 4th of Nov.

As we gathered in 4A to have lunch, so exuberant were the club members that they picked up a discussion on the activities that they would be doing in the session today. As discussed in the reading club last week, would like to thank, Raseel for coming up with your own word search activity, which included words that we learnt in the class. All members, enjoyed the activity and appreciated Raseel’s initiative.
Moving ahead, the members were asked to read the next three chapters, and each group was assigned a task. Members then decided to read the next three common chapters and proceed further by writing a script which would be enacted. The twist, as suggested by the members were adding new character/ change of setting /adding a villain or new creature. Without further questions, the members got into task. After a lot of agreement and disagreements each group finalised the script. The spirit of teamwork was commendable. Due to time constraint, the members unanimously decided that they complete the writing today,  practicing of the script and enacting would follow the coming week. I promised to make copies of the script and hand it over to the members so that they can go through their lines during the weekend. What a brilliant idea it was when the group suggested they would get costumes too.
That’s all for this week! Looking forward for an exciting performance the coming week. Have a restful week ahead. 


Reading update – 28th Oct

Hi everyone! Back again to share our reading Club update for this week. All the members were eager to start off, as they seemed very inquisitive about the task in store for them. Hence, we started with a light brainstorming on the understanding of story boards. Amazed to hear some of the member’s knowledge about story boards and the features required to create one. An exemplar of a story board was immediately shared and the task was announced. The members were asked to continue reading another five chapters of the book Street Child, choose their favourite part and convert it into story board. It was wonderful to witness the members sit down on the carpeted floor of the library and read after a busy day. A tray was kept ready with colourful sheets, glue, post it and other stationaries as per the requirement. As soon as they completed reading, the members set down for their task immediately.

After, 30 minutes they came up with fantastic work, which was really praise worthy and the best part was when the members appreciated each other. The members were invited to suggest activities that they would like to include in the reading club.

That’s all for this week, looking forward for an exciting week ahead. Have a restful and enjoyable weekend!

Reading club update- 21st of October
We experienced another day of fun and vigour in our reading club this week. It started with attendance and a feedback on the new books that the members need to bring as soon as the reading of Street Child is over. The members were informed about the weekly reading club updates that would be sent every week. They were told that very , each one would be writing the reading club updates to all the members of the reading club. Quickly, members were instructed to read five chapters of the book during the session and were supposed to describe any one character from the book. The girls were asked to describe the character with illustrations and the boys were asked to produce a “rap song” on the character chosen. Coincidentally, all the members chose Jim the main character, as they shared, that the character was very strong. After, 20 minutes of reading all the members settled down to their task, and Wow ! what a result to watch. All the members basked in enjoyment when the boys sang their own created rap song while the girls showcased their character description. Although the boys were sceptical, yet they performed with determination. Be ready girls, as it would be your turn to out beat the boys the next week. Here are the moments captured in my camera.


                                     To watch the performance of the boys , play the video.
Enjoy the show! See you next week with more exciting update. Keep reading…
Reading club update- 14th of Nov
Day 2- With a smile on their faces, the young readers were seated on the comfortable and cosy sofas of the library to begin their second reading session. As for us, we too were extremely delighted to be there after a busy day and it was indeed very relaxing. To begin with, children discussed and decided on the rules of reading club which was later compared with the rules that were handed over to them. Ms. Dascel provided the students with the stories written by the last years reading club members, must state that it was a real motivational boost to the new members. A feeling to do the same was very evident in the spark of their eyes… Moving towards a short activity, the elements of a cover page was discussed and children were handed over colour papers, to design their own. The cover pages looked astounding, as it lay displayed on the library board.
However, we then moved on to the selection of books, children researched and came up with two books. A brief overview of the books are below-
1. Tuesdays At The Castle  By Jessica Day George
Tuesdays at Castle Glower are Princess Celie's favourite days. That's because on Tuesdays the castle adds a new room, a turret, or sometimes even an entire wing. No one ever knows what the castle will do next, and no one-other than Celie, that is-takes the time to map out the new additions. But when King and Queen Glower are ambushed and their fate is unknown, it's up to Celie, with her secret knowledge of the castle's never-ending twists and turns, to protect their home and save their kingdom. This delightful book from a fan- and bookseller-favourite kicks off a brand-new series sure to become a modern classic.

2. The Magic Thief  By Sarah Prineas
In a city that runs on a dwindling supply of magic, a young boy is drawn into a life of wizardry and adventure. Conn should have dropped dead the day he picked Nevery's pocket and touched the wizard's locus magicalicus, a stone used to focus magic and work spells. But for some reason he did not. Nevery finds that interesting, and he takes Conn as his apprentice on the provision that the boy find a locus stone of his own. But Conn has little time to search for his stone between wizard lessons and helping Nevery discover who or what is stealing the city of Wellmet's magic.
            Vadim since you have already bought a book, you need not buy the above mentioned book.
            Keeping in mind the availability of the books online or in the store, we decided that we would begin with the book The Street Child by Berlie Doherty the coming week. The books are available in the library hence we could start the long awaited reading. The book has 27 chapters which we should be able to complete in 2 to 3 weeks.
           As for the books researched upon children can start reading once we complete The Street Child.
           Here, that’s all for this week. Looking forward to more enthusiastic and energetic week ahead.

Day 1- A glimpse of our activities.

          Indeed a busy day it was but the thought of our first reading club kept us filled with enthusiasm and curiosity until me met each other. As it was our first day, we took few minutes to introduce each other and then discussed the expectations of being chosen as the reading club member. The students were thrilled and awe-struck when we announced that the best story would be published in future which would be a part of oxford reading book. After a while, the students were divided into four groups to write about their fears and expectations from the reading club. It was amazing to read their feedback as they were told to be honest with their feelings. As they completed their activities, we explored some pieces of writings from different stories to find the genre .This activity really helped us to understand student’s understanding about different genres, their likes and dislikes.
           For next week, we decided that we would create the rules of reading club, which should be followed sincerely. Due to lack of time, we could not finalize the books to be chosen for our reading session, hence we decided that we would complete this task, the coming week. And whoosh! an hour was over within a fraction of seconds and it was time to say bye. Well, looking forward to an exciting week ahead as we come back from holidays!!

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