Friday 20 February 2015


“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” ― Margaret Mead

Students of year 4 went for a field trip to Dubai Aquarium on 12th February’2015. It was connected to our science curriculum based on the topic of Habitats. They learnt amazing facts about the local species and their habitats through a special program called Jewels of Arabia. This program was designed to foster an appreciation for the unique adaptations of these animals in their habitats. The students learnt about how to conserve the Arabian Oryx and also how they could help in survival of these animals.
The children participated well and were curious to know more about the species there. They asked questions to satisfy their curiosity which was highly appreciated by them by the tour guides.

The team work by the teachers and the enthusiasm and excitement of the students made the day a memorable one. It was a GREAT LEARNING EXPERIENCE for our year 4 children, who thoroughly enjoyed every moment of their trip. 

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