Our dynamic Head of Key stage 2

Looking forward to a great year!

Welcome to 2014-15 school year. The past few weeks have seen the school abuzz with excitement and the ‘back to school’ feeling has finally settled in with our students. We are more than happy to have all our students back. Every member of staff has contributed their best to a fine beginning. We look forward to a progressive year ahead. All students have been encouraged to keep up with their home learning tasks and regular attendance. This will serve as a reinforcement tool and embed concepts taught in class.

This year we are excited to Blog all our activities and events. This will be such a global platform for our students to display their skills through new learning. We would look at it as one of the ways through which we will celebrate learning in all that we do at The Winchester School. As we focus on employable skills that have also been included in the vision of our school, we will be taking our students on an incredible journey introducing entrepreneurship as one of our new learning areas. We will keep you updated about all these in the months to come.

Our goal is for every child to reach his/her full potential and raise our belief that Every Child Matters. Thank you to all parents in advance for your support and partnership in the upcoming school year.

Ms. Cindrella Netto

Head of Key stage 2 (Year 3 & 4)

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