Sunday 12 April 2015

Colours of the Rainbow- Year 4E Assembly

On 5th of March, the students of year 4E had their class assembly. The theme of the assembly was Colours of the Rainbow. The students presented a short play on the same theme depicting no matter how different we are in our looks, colour and language, the colour of our blood is the same. We are all humans and we are all equal. We should be friend with each other and help each other in times of need. They also presented a very beautiful song titled “You can count on me’’, by Bruno Mars.

Laylani surprised everyone with her graceful ballet, Judi amazed the audience with her beautiful dance, Jena made everyone move to her hip hop dance and Tiah awed the audience with her western dance.
The Year 4E assembly not only entertained the audience but also made everyone enjoy every single minute of their presence there. Ms. Glenda taught Salsa to the audience.


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