Saturday 31 January 2015

Bab al Taleem: "Sharing is Caring"

As a part of Bab al Taleem event, a fund raising event for charity, students of year 4 enthusiastically put up stalls in the canteen area.  Children were very keen to make and donate things like party hats, party masks, greeting cards, books, accessories, stationery objects and toys to sell and raise funds for charity. To promote their sale, students made posters showing the pictures of things being sold with rhyming words and slogans. During this event, to keep things organized, we incorporated the Token System that was offered to students as a means of money to be used at the different stalls. The sale was for a great cause, and all the money that was earned was donated to charity. We are extremely proud of our students being able to execute such an event. The students showed great responsibility in selling the coupons, and collecting the money. It was an event filled with fun and excitement.

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