Sunday 1 February 2015

Literature and Performing Arts Week

As quoted by Tim Burton film producer, artist, writer director ‘’Don’t worry about how you should draw it, just draw it the way you see it” proves that art has no parameters to be measured or judged but a magnificent way to express ones thoughts and ideas freely. The week from 25th to 29th Jan was indeed an Art and literature week where all children were motivated to showcase their passion towards art. Year 4, children explored the strokes of brushes through pot painting, followed by art and craft during their EP lesson, lingo fest where new languages were learnt through simple sentences, nevertheless creating and designing symbols for subjects and leader badges was linked with geography lesson. Literature was enhanced by organizing character parade, on the 27th of Jan, where children dressed up as their favourite character. WOW! What a spectacle it was to watch little one flaunting themselves on the green turf and enthusiasm was maximized when they had a glimpse of their parent. The icing on the cake was the art performance by the primary and the secondary student which included poems recited by the Secondary students, musical performance by the school’s musical group and dance by the primary students. It was a bonus for the student to watch a musical play “Freya, the Viking sailor by the Argentinian group. These performances must have undoubtedly ignited the passion of art in the heart and mind of all the students after the Art’s week.



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