Saturday 7 March 2015

4F Class Assembly: Commit to be Fit!

It was a healthy and fun-filled morning assembly of 4F held on the 24th of February 2015 at the FS Area with the theme: “Commit to be Fit!” The assembly tackled the important things to be done besides eating healthy in order to be physically fit. It was mentioned that a healthy lifestyle includes thinking positive, drinking plenty of water and getting enough rest. The importance of being proactive through exercise and engaging oneself in physical activities like sports was also emphasized upon. The assembly also highlighted the value of cleanliness, particularly maintaining personal hygiene such as taking a bath, brushing our teeth, washing of our hands before eating and other health routines that need to be observed regularly.
    4F class has a special class chant to show their commitment to be fit:

Team 4F, Team 4F, We can do it Team 4F…

Always learning, Aiming high, We can do it if We Try!


      As a vow to get fit together, the class of 4F showed their dancing prowess, where everybody was encouraged to dance along. The audience was encouraged to express their commitment to get fit through the “Shake Break” where everyone was asked to shake, jump and turn.

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