Friday 16 January 2015

Reading Club Update- 9th December 2014

 The Term1 Assessments are over!!!!!!!

Today  I was eagerly waiting to meet the members of the reading club. When we met for lunch I could feel the excitement and enthusiasm in the students. Vadim  as always was full of ideas and expressions with his wow vocabulary as the others joined him in saying how much they awaited the reading club activity for today.

After lunch we headed towards the primary library. On the way we shared few thoughts on the previous reading club activities.

Samaira had very diligently made a word search on the names of different authors and we had to break our head finding them. Vadim was the first one to accomplish the target followed by all the enthusiastic and intelligent members.

Thank you Samaira for the excellent word search!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We then brainstormed ideas for the activity to be done today. The students wanted to express their feeling about the reading club ever since it started and I thought it would be nice to capture their expressions in camera.

Then they ventured to write poems on the characters they have been reading. The students came up with brilliant rhyming poems , expressing their thoughts using similes and metaphors.

The students performed the poems with expression and voice modulation…..

It was just overwhelming to see the brilliance in the students just outshining everything else……

Brilliant work reading club members!!!!!!!!!!keep the wheels moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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