Thursday 16 October 2014


An informative and interactive session comprising of all aspects of Numeracy at Winchester was conducted for parents by the Numeracy department on 17th September.

This workshop aims to recognize the learning of Numeracy at Winchester School and how can parents prepare their children in raising their attainment and progress.

                Yet another successful and indeed a very important event. The session began with the introduction of the goals and objectives. Various class room strategies, maths routine, assessments, how parents can help their children progress, useful websites and activities were discussed/shared with the parents. The parents felt encouraged as many of their doubts were dispelled. Teachers had a pleasant interactive session with them.  

                What Worked Well: A fair amount of parents attended the workshop. We got an encouraging feedback from the parents. They expressed their happiness and gratitude for knowing more about their children’s learning and they found it very informative and rewarding. The presenters also did a wonderful job.

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