Wednesday 20 May 2015

Y4 Maths Quiz Competition


Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers. - Shakuntala Devi

On 11th May 2015 the Inter house Maths Quiz Competition for year 4 was held in the FS area of our school.

There were 4 participants from each house, who were selected earlier through a preliminary test taken in each classroom. The selected participants were well prepared for the final quiz and displayed excellent group work skills and team spirit
The students of year 4 as audience were orderly and disciplined as they watched the quiz. They enjoyed the audience round the most where they could add their part to the score. The students were filled with excitement and enthusiasm to cheer for their own houses. Anchoring for the event was done by year 4 students themselves. Days of rehearsal were instrumental in making them feel confident and ready for the final day. The anchors did  a wonderful job.

Earth house won the First place, Fire house got second Wind house got third and Water house was fourth





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