Friday 13 February 2015

Healthy Lifestyle Week


“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” – William London.
The week from 1st to 5th February, 2015 was healthy lifestyle week during which all children were motivated to adapt a healthy lifestyle, eat healthily, keep fit and utilise their leisure time through a few constructive activities. On the very first day of this week, children were shown a PPT on Healthy Lifestyle and a food group tracking sheet was given to 5 students from each class On 3rd February we had Public speaking on Importance of Exercise and Healthy snack day was organised where children brought healthy food in their snack boxes.
On the 4th day we had Online Healthy Lifestyle games, link on the same is given below-  

My plate jigsaw puzzles
Matching meals memory game
Slap a snack card game
Students were enthusiastic throughout the healthy lifestyle week. They understood the importance of being healthy. They now aspire to eat and live healthy.

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