Friday 20 February 2015

Growing Plants

                                            "Wisdom begins in wonder." Socrates.

  Planting and watching seeds grow is a wonderful experience for children. A seed is  like magic, a seemingly lifeless thing that can grow into a living plant. Growing seeds  can be a very inspirational activity, especially if the children are allowed to watch the  seed grow and mature. Watching plants grow will also teach students patience and        observational skills. 
The requirements for growing a plant is water, nutrients, and sunlight. Too much or too little of these requirements can prevent a plant from growing. A few students from each class water the seeds every alternate day. The students were thrilled to be able to plant some seeds of Basil and Pepper. The gardener’s guidance was appreciated. All the classes are looking forward to watering the plant regularly. The students enjoyed the activity so much and are looking forward to the growing of the plants!

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