Thursday 16 October 2014



“May Peace Prevail on Earth” was the message conveyed by the assembly presented by the students. A short play enacted by the students touched the heart of every single audience in the room. The play depicted the unrest in the society creating turmoil in the minds of these young generations. On the contrary, the young pillars decides to support the peace by campaigning in their community by writing letters to the leaders of the nation, organizing poster competition , speaking to the students of the other schools and then attracting the mass towards their mission. Each and every student were given equal opportunity to participate and show case their confidence. Yes! The assembly truly supported the motto of Winchester school “Together we can” as everyone leaving the room decided to spread the message of Peace and make contributions to the community. The assembly supported the Peace Day activities in the school.

Everyone who attended the assembly appreciated the effort of the students in putting together the message of bringing peace to the society. It was indeed a joyful moment to hear everyone humming the song It’s a wonderful world”.

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